Streamline Voter Check-In
The AskED ePollbook allows election staff to process voters accurately and efficiently.

The AskED ePollbook allows election staff to process voters accurately and efficiently.
Guide election workers step by step with proven Election Decision Support™.
Confirm ballot assignments and update voter history.
Be confident in the security of the AskED ePollbook. Eliminate risks and protect data.
See what is happening at every voting location and respond with AskED's Command Center.
The AskED ePollbook is simple to use whether on touchscreen laptops or tablets.
Tailored to how your election department works and not the other way around. Each screen in the AskED ePollbook is configurable to your specific laws. Determine voter eligibility steps, so election workers process voters easily and accurately. 2,000+ voting locations use AskED.
Take vote centers to the next level with the AskED ePollbook. Combining multiple precincts and allowing voters to choose their voting location has never been easier. The AskED ePollbook allows voters to cast a ballot at any location within the county, regardless of where they live.
The AskED ePollbook supports same-day voter registration by guiding the election worker exactly what to do based on your jurisdiction's laws for a voter registering the same day as the election.
All hardware is built-in. With only a single power cord, the all-in-one case allows users to start checking in voters right away.
The all-in-one case allows easy setup even with a printer, scanner or signature pad, while traditional electronic poll books would require separate cords to be plugged into different parts.
Setup takes seconds. Just unzip the case and plug in one single power cord. There is no hardware to remove.
The case is constructed from lightweight foam and nylon so election workers can carry it without strain or need-of-assistance.
With the powerful Windows Operating System, no other electronic poll book solution has a longer product lifespan.
Automate manual processes with existing election systems.
With the AskED ePollbook, you can activate voter access cards automatically with card activators and VC Programmer. You don't have to manually type in numbers or remember the ballot style when you want to activate a voter access card.
Stop wasting ballots and reduce the chance of a voter getting the wrong ballot. The AskED ePollbook's on-demand ballot printing is efficient. Print ballots quickly on the spot.
The AskED ePollbook makes device deployment, maintenance and support easy.
Your election workers will love it. No other electronic pollbook makes an election worker's job easier. Step-by-step instructions guide the election worker through the check-in process. The AskED ePollbook integrates all state and local regulations into the election worker screens. Clear ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ responses to simple questions assure accurate and consistent voter check-in.
Equip election workers to conduct efficient voter look-up. Voter status issues can be immediately addressed and resolved at the voting site. The AskED ePollbook's logic is prepared to address all types of voters that require additional assistance or direction: voters who have moved, first-time voters and absentee voters.
Get smarter election workers by equipping them with directions and answers.
The AskED ePollbook's patent-pending Election Decision Support™ system guides election staff through simple “yes” or “no” questions to determine voters’ eligibility, including the correct ballot style. Opinions and guesswork are removed from the voting sites, reducing errors and minimizing the need for time-consuming provisional ballots.
Built-in help topics and video tutorials are included with the AskED ePollbook based on your election worker training manuals and election equipment. Train election workers in real-time with the tools you already have. It supplements in-class and online training.
Provide voters with a better experience.
Direct lost voters to the correct poll site with the AskED ePollbook. Built-in maps show the exact location and address of a voter's poll site.
Communicate voting location wait times to voters by posting the wait times on your website.
Do more with your electronic poll book.
Easily capture voter's signatures on a signature pad separate from the electronic poll book or capture signatures directly on the AskED ePollbook's screen.
Scan a voter's drivers license, ID or barcode on the AskED ePollbook with a barcode scanning gun with a dedicated laser for speed and proven reliability in low lit areas. Integrated barcode scanning ia also available.
The AskED ePollbook keeps voter data safe. Robis Elections maintains our own dedicated, election data centers to eliminate security risks and protect data from unauthorized access.
Encryption adopted by the Federal Government and National Security Agency (NSA) used.
Every operation performed on the AskED ePollbook logged.
Choose to automatically self-destruct data from the AskED Command Center.
Windows security updates supported for 10+ years to life.
Communication encrypted and secured using VPN and SSL technology.
Password authentication required and role assignments determine access levels.
The AskED ePollbook does not require a connection to operate. With connectivity voter information is up-to-date and enables immediate updates of voter history.
The AskED ePollbook may be securely connected to a secure central server via a WAN connection (such as an existing Internet connection, Verizon cards, etc.). SSL encryption is used to ensure that no devices may intercept this communication. A virtual private network (VPN) is used for added security. All voter history is stored in multiple locations on each AskED ePollbook in addition to being on the central server. This eliminates the need for cables.
The AskED ePollbooks may also be connected directly to each other within a location. This allows for any number of devices to be networked in a peer-to-peer fashion and does not require a server in the voting site. While this would not keep other voting centers up-to-date, it would ensure that all laptops or tablets within one voting site contain all voter history information for security and backup regardless of whether a WAN connection exists or not.
Remote configuration allows you to make updates or access reports anywhere, anytime. Administrators are able to monitor all AskED ePollbooks from a centralized portal.
Be the first to know what is happening across your jurisdiction. Get immediate access to voter turnout, provisional ballot counts and ballot styles voted data. These can be sorted by voter location, party, style, time and more.